Provided to the representatives of suppliers and customers, as defined in Regulation (EU) 2016/676 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 27/04/2016, on data protection and privacy for all individuals and on the free movement of such data, and repealing the directive 95/46/ES Council Framework Decision 2008/977/JHA (the general directive on the protection of personal data), hereinafter “GDPR”.
Controller of your data
The company AURA, s.r.o., registration No. 46991573, with registered office at Úvoz 499/56, 602 00 Brno (hereinafter „AURA“) as the data controller hereby informs you along with the article 13 GDPR on processing of your personal data and on your rights.
Your data we process
We process the following categories of your personal data:
A. Identification data: first name, surname, academic degree, business position.
B. Contact data: e-mail, phone numbers, company address or contact address.
C. Address data: first name and surname of the contact person, phone number, delivery address.
Data processing purpose
Your personal data is processed to the extent necessary for the purposes of:
- fulfilling mutual contractual obligations;
- fulfilling obligations arising from licensing arrangements for using the AURA software;
- fulfilling obligations arising from the conditions set by the third parties for the hardware and software they supply;
- fulfilling obligations arising from the conditions for the services supplied;
- fulfilling obligations arising from laws and regulations in general;
- keeping supplier and customer contact lists;
- sending of commercial messages offering products and services;
- arranging business events and trainings including invitations and providing accommodation;
- personalised approach to our internet services;
- protecting our rights and legitimate interests;
- fulfilling our obligations under the Whistleblower Protection Act No. 171/2023 (the "Whistleblower Protection Act").
Recipients of your data
AURA does not use external services which would bring continuous and systematic processing of your personal data. For the time-limited processing of your personal data we may use other processors in form of external technical specialists. Processing of personal data for AURA may only be carried out by processors on the basis of a personal data processing agreement.
We give your address information to postal and shipping service providers for the purpose of deliveries.
Under certain conditions, your personal data can be made accessible to state authorities (the Police of the Czech Republic, courts, the Financial Administration of the Czech Republic, etc.) for the purpose of exercising their legal powers.
Time limits for processing of your data
We don’t keep your data for time longer than necessary and archive it according to the statutory deadlines imposed by generally binding legal regulations.
We process personal data for the duration of the contractual relationship or other legal title that allows us to process your personal data. We will anonymise or delete your personal data from our databases and systems once their usefulness has been exhausted.
If you have given us your consent to process personal data for the purpose of sending commercial messages and communications, the storage period of your personal data is 5 years subsequent to your consent.
The rights you have
As long as we process your personal data, you can exercise the following rights with AURA:
- You have rights to access your personal data, i.e. to get information about how AURA processes your personal data and which data is involved.
- You have the right to demand that AURA rectifies incorrect personal data without undue delay.
- You have the right to delete your personal data (“the right to be forgotten”) if statutory conditions are met and you expressly request deleting.
- In certain cases, you have the right to limit the processing of your personal data.
- You have the right to object to processing of your data.
- You have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů in Czechia) if you believe that your personal data is not processed properly.
- AURA declares that no automated decision making or profiling is involved in the processing of your personal data.
- More information on your rights is available at the Data Protection Authority (Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů)
Contact address for communication on processing your data and for exercising your rights: