Publi was created by Code Creator, s.r.o. AURA, s.r.o. is the Sales Representative. You can find more information about Publi, including references and examples of on-line libraries on the Publi website.
With Publi, it is easy to publish any kind of text or multimedia documents. It is possible to highlight selected passages, add notes and make abstracts of texts. Publi enables to create and share entire libraries or single documents like regulations, laws, ordinances, bulletins, periodicals, books etc. including control over their validity.
Information protection is crucial. With encrypted storage, documents will not get into the wrong hands. Publi is multiplatform, all publications can be read on-line and off-line on PCs, tables or smartphones.
Universal accessibility – On/off-line, Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS
Sharing single documents and entire libraries
High level of security – documents cannot be downloaded or copied
Customizations according to customer needs
Complete document history
Full control over document availability