The event started with the meeting of the representative board of the Review for Defence and Security Industry and CDIS Review after which important companies and personalities of the defence industry in 2016 were awarded.

The AURA delegation was led by its General Director, Mr. Filip Engelsmann, member of the editorial board of both reviews and, simultaneously, Chairman of the IT Division within the Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (DSIA CR).

This event, concluded by informal discussions, hosted important guests such as Police President of the Czech Republic, General Tomáš Tuhý, Director General of the Czech Firefighter Rescue Corps, General Drahoslav Ryba, deputies of the Ministers of Defence, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Trade, DSIA CR President, Mr. Jiří Hynek including other representatives of companies and corporations of the Czech defence industry. A large number of military diplomats accredited to Prague also participated.